Welcome to the heart of our academic community – the university library. As your librarian, it is my utmost pleasure to extend a warm welcome to both newcomers and returning members of our scholarly family.
Uzima University Library is a one stop shop for all your information needs. It is home to an extensive and diverse collection of academic resources, providing a wide range of physical and electronic resources to support learning, research and discovery. Our Library offers excellent internet connectivity and efficient online access to its rich e-resources and digital content through an advanced set of information and communication technology-based facilities. The use of library resources is vital for pursuing study and research. It is an integral part of the University and designed to meet the information, research and curriculum needs of its students, faculty and staff members. The library offers multiple sitting spaces conducive to suit your needs with a team of librarians in proximity ready to assist with a variety of research support.
Whether you are a new student just beginning your academic journey, or an experienced scholar, the Uzima University Library’s dedicated team of information specialists are available to connect you with the resources and expertise you need to support your academic endeavors. We will be glad to empower you on your academic journey and to provide the resources, support and guidance that you need to succeed. Whether you are seeking help with research strategies, citation formatting, or navigating our extensive collection of print and electronic resources, we are here to assist you every step of the way. I encourage you to explore both our physical and digital library.
Visit us in person, call or email.
Once again, welcome to the university library – your gateway to knowledge, discovery, and endless possibilities.