Prof.Hillary Awuor

Dr Hillary Awuor,Medical Officer


  • Masters in Tropical Paediatrics-University of Liverpool School of Tropical medicine 2004-2005
  • M.P.H-(academic) University of Nairobi, Department of Community Health 1996-97.
  • B Degree – University of Nairobi 1980-1987.
  • Certificate in General Counselling by the Kenya Medical Association of Professional Counsellors (KMAPC)-1998.
  • Certificate in Comprehensive Paediatric ART, August 2006
  • Certificate in quality management in heath care by NHIS, June 2006
  • Certificate in new guideline for treatment of malaria according to Ministry of Health, 2006
  • Certificate in Healthcare Management in Taipei Medical University, Taiwan-ROC in 2009/2010.
  • Certificate in Level 1 HIV care for Paediatrics and Adults in July 2013.
  •  Certificate on TB management in the era of HIV/Aids in May 2014

Certificates of Recognition:

  • Management of HIV/AIDS clients through use of ARV drugs by the Kenya Mission Essential Drugs and Supply (MEDS) – 2001
  • Exemplary Reproductive Health Service provider by the Kenya Medical Education Trust (K-MET) – 1996-2001 and Marie-Stope, Kenya – 1992-1996
  • Minilaparatomy (surgical) training by the University of Nairobi, Department of Obs/Gyn in conjunction with John Hopkins University Programme -1990


Part time lecturer at Uzima Medical University College, Kisumu for the undergraduates of medical Students 2016 to 2019.

Worked as the Medical Director of St Monica’s hospital since July 2012 and as well    discharged duties as a practitioner to clients/customers.

In 2006, reported back from UK and joined the team to continue providing health services to the community.

  • St Monica Hospital August1998-August 2004.Worked as the Doctor in Charge before proceeding to UK for Masters Programme (Msc. Tropical Paediatrics) at the Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine. This was a newly established health institution with the aim of training medical students in Community Medicine with background in tropical diseases and other related conditions. It is being developed into Uzima College of Health Sciences. My role was to provide curative and preventive care in paediatric unit and administrative duties. Established the departments of Obs/Gyn and Paediatric to a functional level. Initiated outreach health care (Mobile) clinics which was part of Child Health Survival programme in the diocese and the treatment of HIV patients by use of ARVs through the support of CMMB/MEDS and PEPFAR. Also established a functional central community pharmacy to serve peripheral health units within Archdiocese of Kisumu. Also participated in the initial drafting of project for the establishment of Uzima Medical University college that has now come of reality and other various projects for sustainability of St Monica’s Hospital
  • NGO-Population and Health Services (Marie Stopes, Kenya). Worked as Resident Medical Doctor in a busy clinic providing integrated reproductive health services inclusive of child welfare for both curative and preventive care. During this period, I attended workshops on management of reproductive health services and awarded certificate.
  • Gatundu Hospital from June 1989- July1992. Worked as the Medical Officer              in-charge. Provided both curative and preventive health care. Participated in the first piloting and launching of Hepatitis B-Vaccine in Gatundu Division of Kiambu District in Kenya. My role was to mobilise the community for the targeted population of 6 months-6 years to enrol for blood sampling. The exercise was successful and now the vaccine is among those in the Kenya EPI programme.
  • Kiambu Hospital from August 1988-May1989 as Medical Officer I and provided both preventive and curative health care in the four major departments of surgery, internal medicine, paediatrics, obstetric and gynaecology. I was made the in charge of paediatrics ward.
  • INTERNSHIP- At the tertiary, Kenyatta National and Referral Hospital as Medical Officer II from July 1987- August 1988. Passed after rotation in the departments of Internal Medicine, Paediatrics, Surgery/Orthopaedics, and Obstetric/Gynaecology under ward consultants. The rotations involved clerking patients for developing a working diagnosis and active participation in the management of the patients including minor and major operations.


  • In the year 2003-August 2004 acted as the Kisumu Catholic Archdiocese Medical Director and board member of fifteen Health Units including two hospitals within the diocese.
  • May 2004-August 2004 trained CHW as traditional midwives or birth attendants as a project of Kisumu diocese funded by Caritas Japan.
  • 2000-2004, attached to Nyabondo Rehabilitation Centre to provide reconstructive surgery and curative services for children with disabilities. I participated as team member of surgeons and board member. The services are still being provided to date.
  • In 1999, initiated Maternal Child Health Survival Programme for the diocese of Kisumu and trained Community Health Workers (CHW) as Growth Monitoring Health Promoters for five years. Main activities included promotion of immunisation, breastfeeding, nutrition, early treatment of the sick, environmental sanitation at household level.
  • Monitoring and supervisory follow-up and referral of the very needy children to St Monica Mission hospital and four district hospitals within the catholic diocese.
