HOD Reproductive Health

1973-1974: Attended Rostov Preparatory Medical Faculty-USSR for Admission to degree course.
1974-1980 : Attended The 2nd Moscow State Pirogov Medical School,USSR,
graduating with an M.D. degree.
1983-1985 : Underwent postgraduate specialization training inObstetrics and Gynaecology at the same 2nd Moscow State Pirogov Medical School, graduating with a Masters MOG degree.
1985-1988 : Underwent full- time research work on a PhD thesis at The same 2nd Moscow State Pirogov Medical School in the Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology graduating with a PhD degree.
- Taught 3rd , 4th and 5th year medical students as part of my PhD pedagogic training program.
- Has been a lecturer in Obstetrics and Gynaecology at Moi University from 1990-1994.
- Teaching of Nurses, Clinical Officers and undergraduate medical student at Moi Teaching and Referral Hospital in Eldoret, Kenya.
- Do facilitate on seminars, workshops etc.
- Associate professor, department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Kampala International University, Uganda from 2009-2011. Taught Nursing and Clinical Officers as well as Under-graduate medical students.
1980- 1981 : Worked at Kenyatta National Hospital Nairobi,
Kenya as a Medical Officer (Intern)
1981- 1982(June : Worked at Machakos Provincial General HospitalKenya as a registered Medical Officer
1981(June)-1982(October) : Worked at Kisii District Hospital as a registered Medical Officer.
1982(October)-1983(Sept) : Worked at Kenyatta National Hospital, Nairobi
Kenya, as a medical officer in the department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology.
1983-1988(October) : Underwent Postgraduate studies in Obstetrics and Gynaecology at The 2nd Moscow Pirogov MedicalSchool-USSR, on government scholarship.
1988(Nov.)-1990 : Appointed Consultant Obstetrician and Gynaecologist In-charge at Machakos general Hospital, Kenya.
1990-1994 : Appointed lecturer in Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Moi University and honorary Consultant at Eldoret teaching and referral Hospital, Kenya. First Chair, Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology. Ran part-time privateconsultancy clinic in Eldoret town, Kenya.
1994-2006(Dec) : Full-time private practice in Eldoret as Consultant Obstetrician and Gynaecologist.
2007(Jan)-2009(June): Fulltime employment at Moi Teaching and Referral
Hospital Eldoret as Senior Medical Specialist/Consultant Obstetrician and Gynaecologist. Honorary lecturer in Reproductive health.
2009-2011 : Full-time employment as Associate professor department
of Obstetrics and Gynaecology Kampala International University School of Medicine, Uganda. Also worked as Head of department and Dean of faculty.
Had three years full-time research work on PhD Thesis (1985-1988) in Obstetrics and Gynaecology.
Wrote two research proposals for funding on the subject:-
- “Surveillance of contraceptive usage in Western Kenya-1989-1992”
- ” Retrospective study of tuboplasty operations and outcome” at Eldoret District
Hospital (1982-1993). A collaborative study between Linkoping University teaching
Hospital and Moi University Faculty of Health Sciences, Eldoret-Kenya.
c.Supervision of research projects by medical students.
- *Jaguga J. Blood Kallikrein-Kinin system in puerperants with septic infections. J. Akusherstva I Ginekologia. No. 5,1988, p. 53-56.
- Strizhova N.V. Jagugah W.J The blood kallikrein-kinin system and its significance for Obstetrics and Gynaecology (Review of Literature) J. Akusherstva/Ginekologia. No. 6, 1988,p.5-6
- Jagugah W.J. The state of the blood kallikrein-kinin system in puerperants with high risks for the development of puerperal septic infections J. Sovetskaya meditsina No. 8, 1988.
- 8-10
- Jaguga J.W Ethics in healthcare management. The pharmaceutical journal of Ken (PJK), Vol. 18 No. 3 April 2008, p. 133-135.
- Minilaparatomy-1989, Nyeri provincial general Hospital, Kenya-by Family Planning
Association of Kenya.
- Laparoscopy -1989, University of Nairobi, Kenyatta national Hospital, Kenya.
- Certificate of recognition for exemplary reproductive health services rendered through the private practitioners network in Kenya, 1996-2001, by Kenya medical and educational trust(KMET) June 2001.
- Certificate of training of trainers course (TOT) on prevention of Mother to child transmission of HIV (PMTCT) by CDC PATHFINDERS International -Nov-Dec 2002,Eldoret -Kenya
- Certificate in Obstetric Fistula training held at the Moi teaching and Referral Hospital Eldoret from 17t h to 30t h September 2007.
- Arusha Tanzania (July 1991) research on reproductive Health for East, central and Sourthern Africa, organized by the commonwealth regional health secretariat.
- Moi University Eldoret, Kenya (Nov 1991)- a paper presented at the conference on the “Gifted Child”.
- Several seminars attended at Moi University, Eldoret since 1990 on “problem based learning”.
- 1997(Oct) lagos , Nigeria, “Unsafe Abortions, prevention and treatment”.
- 1997 (Oct), Sun city South Africa International medical Exchange (IME) Inaugural conference, ” Empowerment Through Health: a Collaboration of Nations.”
- Since August 2002, trainer in prevention of Mother to Child transmission of HIV (PMTC) programme sponsored by pathfinder International and the Kenya Government Ministry of Health.
- August 24t h , 2004; Attended the 7t h annual K-MET network meeting at the Imperial Hotel Kisumu on the topic “Utilization of resources outside the box” to reduce maternal mortality and morbidity.
- November 4t h -6t h 2004: Attended a KMA Reproductive health workshop at Pan AfricHotel, Nairobi on the topic: “Maternal deaths and unsafe Abortions”
- May 2005: Facilitated at a workshop for clinical officers, Nurses and laboratory Technicians on the “prevention of Mother to Child Transmission of HIV” in Eldoret.10.19t h -23r d April 2006. During the medical Association annual scientific conference in Eldoret received the coveted” Distinguished Service Award” to KMA.
- SEMINAR IN Obstrtric Fistula held at the Moi teaching and referral Hospital Eldoret from 17t h to 30t h September 2007.
12.17t h -19t h February 2010 at Laico regency Hotel Nairobi: obtained certificate of particpantion at the Kenya Obstetrical and Gynaecological conference.
- 2009-2011: Attended several seminars, workshops and conferences in Obstetrics and Gynaecology and surgery at Kampala International University, Uganda.
- First Head, department. Reproductive health Moi University faculty of health sciences(1990-1992).
- Treasurer, Kenya Medical Association, Eldoret Division (1991-1992)
- Chairman , Kenya medical Association, Eldoret Division (1992-1994)
- National Vice-Chairman, Kenya medical Association (1996-2000). Awarded “Distinguished Services Award to KMA in 2006.”
- Chairman Nyanza professional Caucus in Eldoret, Kenya (2005-2007)
- 12t h July, 2009:
- Appointed Dean faculty of Clinical medicine and dentistry, Kampala International University School of health sciences, Uganda.
- Appointed Associate director, Kampala International University teaching and research Hospital, Uganda.
- May 2010-July 2011: Appointed head, Department of Obstetric and Gynaecology,Kampala International University, Uganda.
- Director/Proprietor of own private consultancy clinic in Obsretrics and Gynaecology in Eldoret town.
Current research interests are in the field of:
- Prevention of Mother to Child Transmission of HIV (PMTCT),
- Cancer of the uterine cervix,
- Infertility.